Saturday, May 28, 2011

Furry Fitness Challenge!

In two weeks Lori and I will enter the Furry Fitness Challenge at Camp Bow Wow. The owner and pet that loose the most weight in two months wins, with the grand prize $250 a month voucher for A YEAR. That means daycare, boarding, and baths!! As a college student Lori can rarely send me and struggles to save the money. But with this I can go to daycare several times a week each month or be boarded and allow Lori to try save money to visit Boulder for a Kyudo intensive should they schedule one within the year of the prize. I can't loose too much weight according to the vet, even if I'm slightly pudgy, because I'm an old girl and they worry about when the time comes I will have trouble keeping weight. Lori knows its pretty impractical to get near her skinny high school weight of 110 pounds so she's gonna shoot for 120!  Lori isn't really over weight as some people and knows its very likely someone could easily beat us but we're gonna go for it anyways! It gives here an excuse to take Zumba lessons twice a week with her friend who is leaving to go back to China in July.  Its looking to look like Lori is gonna be unemployed for the summer till her regular job starts up in Aug. She'll walk to the bus stop and ride the bus to summer classes. We'll start doing more dog walks in the evening and visits to the dog park during the week too.

1 comment:

  1. Yeay ! Good luck to you too :) The grand prize is awesome. Keep us updated on how you're doing !

    Talk soon,

