Saturday, April 16, 2011

Fiesta Pooch Parade!

We made it! We attended the 2011 Fiesta Pooch Parade!!! There were so many people and dogs! I think there were almost 1000 dogs!! Not people and dogs, just counting dogs!!! Lots of small breeds but big ones too! Especially Great Danes! My human saw about ten different Danes! She also saw a Saint Benard puppy, a New Foundland, three Berneses Mountain dogs~ Oh and there might have been a cat too, I'll explain that in a moment. My human didn't get any good photos of me, it got crowded so fast!

Okay, a little background on Fiesta in general. Fiesta started a 120 years ago, yes that's one hundred and twenty, with the battle of flowers. It was in a way to remember several of the battles that gave Texas its independence from Mexico. Now it is a huge party time of ten days but with one important detail. To be an official event it in some shape or form be about fundraising. The Fiesta Fido Coronation that we missed last Saturday was crowning El Rey Fido, El Rey Fido is the top dog in a fundraising contest for the local Humane Society. The Fiesta Pooch Parade raises money for pet programs in general, its had different ties over the years so its a bit sketchy to remember, we're so tired! My human was VERY impressed, several official Fiesta human royalty!!!

This is the Queen of Soul, she arrived first just before the costume contest began. She didn't stay long, she had to go attend of few other Fiesta events before the Flambuea parade tonight!
Then Miss Fiesta San Antonio arrived with her princesses and stayed for the whole costume contests.
And then King Antonio arrived! He took a photo op with King Anbarkio!
We spotted El Rey Fido and a few members of her court but weren't able to see if her Keeper of the Catnip was along, that is the cat that might have been there. 

These are a few of the costume contests my human took, there were over 60 entries!!! I'm glad I'm not a small dog.. lol. My human dresses me up enough when there are holidays! She's thinking of dressing me up next year if she has time to put a Fiesta outfit together.

Yes, that's as mini skirt on that pretty dane! LOL! Then there were cute costumes that weren't even entered in the contest, they were just there for fun!

Now a few parade pictures!! My human couldn't get a photo that showed how long the crowd was as we walked! We were about in the middle of the it.

Don't worry my friends, I'm tired but there were a lot of water stations set up by the parade people and then some of the people living on the route had huge bowls of water between stations too. Lots of Fiesta parties with little kids also lined the parade, giving treats! Plus the parade was early this morning and nice and cool, especially for the big dogs and the senior doggies that came too! I say there were about 300 people just there to watch all of us doggies than to walk in it! We also learned there were people trying to get another dog park in this area built in part of the existing park!
My human is very hopeful! Its even better design that the only current fenced dog park that is near where we live! This one would be a10-15 minute drive away but its in a very nice area that is in a low lying area that is naturally cooler.

I am soooooo tired. I think a nap is in order...


  1. How cool ! Looks like you had great fun! You don't have any of those things in France - no dressing up for the dogs - people think it is crazy - awwww France can be boring sometimes ! :-( I loved the one you take a picture of in the cake. hehee

  2. I knew King Anbarkio when he was just a puppy! Go Magic!
